
The costs of a removal are depended on quite a few factors, would you like to know what your removal will cost? Find out why over 450+ households and companies choose us for moving to the Netherlands, Belgium, The UK, Ireland or Germany. Complete the form below without any obligation and we will get back in touch with you to discuss your wishes and requirements and possibly to schedule an appointment.

Your data

E-mail adress(Required)

Your departure address

Long distance walk to the property
Internal elevator available
Parking permit required

Your destination

Long distance walk to the property
Internal elevator available
Parking permit required

Moving data

If an exact moving date is not known, enter the first of the month in which the move is likely to take place.
YYYY dash MM dash DD
Storage needed
Packing boxes
Unpacking boxes
Disassembly and assembly


Relocation services
Relocation Services are services such as immigration and visa services, home search, school search etcetera.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.